
We thought it might be helpful to add some resources for people looking to understand more about using Iodine/potassium iodide/sski solutions. The links provided are simply informational and it is up to the reader to research their own intentions. We cannot endorse or recommend any information, studies or uses.

How the body uses iodine:

 NIH article


Resources for SSKI information:

SSKI, why everyone should have it in the cabinet


As an expectorant:

Healthy Home Economist


Thyroid protection from radiation exposure:

CDC recommendations regarding radiation exposure





Morgellons Research


 Fungal issues and others


Dosage and uses for various recommendations


 Amazon eBook regarding Morgellons from The Unknown Cat



We recently had the opportunity to be interviewed for Wellness Wednesday, a vlog from Sovereign Mom regarding our products. We hope  you will find it informative and helpful. If you click on the link below, simply scroll down to our interview.


The following video is for informational and research purposes only. It is not intended as an indorsement and no affiliate payments were made for this video.

If you are following a specific protocol, you will need to directly contact the individual or organization that offered that information as we are restricted by FDA regulations from advising, diagnosing or giving medical advice of any kind. 

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