What is the big deal about Nascent Iodine?
Nascent Iodine sometimes known by the generic term atomic iodine or generic trademark name Atomidine or by the misname detoxified iodine, is a liquid orally administered supplemental form of iodine, claimed to be in the monatomic state,[1] originating from a 1931 Edgar Cayce formula. There is no evidence...
What is the big deal about Nascent Iodine?
Nascent Iodine sometimes known by the generic term atomic iodine or generic trademark name Atomidine or by the misname detoxified iodine, is a liquid orally administered supplemental form of iodine, claimed to be in the monatomic state,[1] originating from a 1931 Edgar Cayce formula. There is no evidence...

SSKI for Thyroid Protection
SSKI has many uses, but in these trying times, one of the most valuable is thyroid protection. During the nuclear reactor breakdown of Chernobyl, SSKI was used to protect the...
SSKI for Thyroid Protection
SSKI has many uses, but in these trying times, one of the most valuable is thyroid protection. During the nuclear reactor breakdown of Chernobyl, SSKI was used to protect the...
We thought it might be helpful to add some resources for people looking to understand more about using Iodine/potassium iodide/sski solutions. The links provided are simply informational and it is...
We thought it might be helpful to add some resources for people looking to understand more about using Iodine/potassium iodide/sski solutions. The links provided are simply informational and it is...
Why do I need Iodine?
Iodine is a building material of thyroid hormones that are essential for growth, the nervous system, the metabolism and many other important functions. The body also needs thyroid hormones for...
Why do I need Iodine?
Iodine is a building material of thyroid hormones that are essential for growth, the nervous system, the metabolism and many other important functions. The body also needs thyroid hormones for...